Heartland Naturists

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to stress that we are not a dating, swinging, or pick-up group. If you come to one of our events expecting to find receptive singles to hit on or date, you will be disappointed. A majority of our members and guests are married or in a relationship and have no interest in anyone else. People come to our events to relax and have fun nude. Anyone trying to use our events as a place to meet or hit on other nudists will get a firm rebuke from anyone they approach. If they persist, they will be told to leave our event and will be barred from future events.

Absolutely not! Nudists come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and with various scars and handicaps. While no one is perfect, we strive to be as accepting as possible of anyone who attends our events.

Along with being accepting of body shapes, sizes, etc., we are also accepting of anyone who chooses to shave or not. Whether you shave or not is not important to us. What is important is how you behave at our events.

We have no prohibition against tattoos. The only concern we would have is if your tattoos include profanity or obscene graphics. We typically have several young children at our events, so we have to be sensitive to the language and images they are exposed to. If you are unsure, please contact us about it before attending an event.

We have no specific ban on genital jewelry. We strive to provide a non-sexual environment for our guests and members. If your genital jewelry draws exceptional attention to the genitals, is overtly sexual, or could be considered a safety hazard during the event, we suggest that you remove it if possible. If you have questions, please ask.

Not at all! If you want to know what a nudist is like, go to your local mall. Look at the first 100 people who come through the front door. That’s what nudists look like. We are a cross-section of society. We come from various professions, ethnic backgrounds, body types, and any other classification you wish to use.

Not at all! While some naturists are also very enthusiastic about using natural products and being conscious about their impact to the environment, that is not what all nudists are like. Nudists/naturists come from various professions, ethnic backgrounds, body types, and any other classification you wish to use. As such, a majority of nudists/naturists use the same hygiene products that the rest of society does.

Privacy is one of our top priorities. Most of us don’t want our involvement in naturism/nudism to be known, and many of us would risk our job if our employer found out. Our members are from all professions, including clergy, law enforcement, education, and government. We don’t share our membership roster with anyone outside of the board members, and never send physical mail unless the member has expressly asked for something to be mailed. We also keep the locations of our events private to prevent unwanted attention. We strive to keep privacy near the top of our list, right next to security.

While we used to allow non-members to attend with no limits, we can no longer allow that. Due to IRS regulations to maintain our 501(c)(7) status, our non-member income is limited each year. If we go over that limit, we will lose our tax exempt status and would face a hefty tax bill. Therefore, we require some sort of membership after an initial visit to keep in good graces with the IRS.